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Aerospace Engineer -> Quant (MSFE, MS, something else?)

Hello everyone,

I'm an Aerospace Engineering student in my third year with a minor in Computer Science. For reference, Aerospace is a very technical/quantitative degree - its heavy on math mainly ODEs, PDEs, linear algebra, and various forms of optimization and also includes a lot of coding (in MATLAB). I do not have any internships yet, but I want to make the switch to financial engineering. My end goal would be Quant Researcher, but I realize that requires a PhD typically. Would you advise pursuing an MSFE or an MS in something else and why?

Aerospace Engineering is a good background to have from what I have experienced. Certainly the maths part.
Matlab is fine but maybe look out for Python and C++.
Definitely, I took my CS classes in Python and C++ so I am quite proficient in those languages. Would you recommend I pursue an MSFE or another type of MSc?
I can't say which education is best but my guess is you wouldn't have any problems given your background.