AI > Quant Finance

Check out this course.

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Yes, the course seems too basic. Although Andrew Ng does have some other good ones in coursera which teaches you Tensorflow on python.
Well, at least in the course at firt is about coding a simple NN without using any package, just simple python code to build the forward and back propagation. Later in the course Tensorflow is taught, but just as a framework to make simpler (much less lines of code) the backpropagation. It has lots more but is better if you have a strong statistical background. For instance, the course teaches many regularization techniques, but doesn't go deep on why regularization is needed.

Tensorflow is nice to learn since is deeper than Keras to build NN. You can play around and build something very customizable for a particular need.

So foundations you get to learn.. As for internals, not so much. While the course teaches you the theory of NN (from very simple to recurrent in course 5), the internals of the programming framework are not taught.
I was more interested in the mathematical/numerical algorithms being used. The programming part is probably least difficult.
In particular, which (documented and possibly undocumented) and their robustness for classes of training sets.
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Be an AI engineer or a quant in US, which one is better?
What are the duties of an "AI engineer"? I have no idea, but I have a reasonably good idea what quants do.
Is "AI engineer" an off-the-cuff made up term?
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