Rutgers MSMF Anyone has idea about Rutgers MSMF

will it be too late to apply Rutgers MSMF at this moment? Is that program good?

actually, i've applied some other programs, but figure out that it's really competitive to enroll this year, and for fear that i'll be rejected later, so i'm thinking to apply this school...

anyone has ideas?

btw, how about the USC program?
It's an "us too" school. While the stats here is solid, the MSMF just seems a mishmosh of other courses thrown together. I'm not sure if they actually do any financial work. My time series professor asked in the beginning whether or not they actually worked with anything financial.

It's an "us too" school. While the stats here is solid, the MSMF just seems a mishmosh of other courses thrown together. I'm not sure if they actually do any financial work. My time series professor asked in the beginning whether or not they actually worked with anything financial.


so, u mean this program doesnt deserve our time and money?
That seems to be the case from the outside looking in. I mean if you feel that getting some cherry-picked elements of other solid programs constitutes a degree you'd be happy obtaining, by all means go for it. But I wouldn't call it as well thought-out as CMU's or Columbia's by any stretch.
That seems to be the case from the outside looking in. I mean if you feel that getting some cherry-picked elements of other solid programs constitutes a degree you'd be happy obtaining, by all means go for it. But I wouldn't call it as well thought-out as CMU's or Columbia's by any stretch.

I think Rutgers program with its new finance electives is far better than Columbia's MSOR program
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