Anyone has their own website?

Hey guys; anyone has some free time and interesting in a time-related investment?

I have spend years (and thousands of dollars) on the development of my website I am completely bogged down with school work and do not see myself getting this site off the ground this year. However, I would be interested in meeting with someone who is:

a) Motivated
b) Intelligent
c) Computer Savvy

If such a person would be interested I would hand over the reigns of the site for this year, perhaps longer. Pay would come as a percentage of overall profit. Everything has been arranged and organized. My suppliers are "standing by". A lot of the work will be simple such as updating product information/ editing pages. Some would be choosing new products/ working with costumers.Nothing too intense.

If you are interested please PM me. Everyone who applies (and is a reasonable candidate) should expect a relatively short meeting with me in Manhattan.


M Ross
That's it Lyosha :mad:! When I make it big you can forget that MacBook you've been begging for ;)
The site was public but has some issues and I am repairing. It consumes a tremendous amount of my time and cost me well over $10,000 in design, concept, and programming so far.

I can't believe it costs you over $10,000!! I am not saying it is not good, it can be easily created at a much much smaller budget, to be honest.
I am aware of that. It is not just the design. The concept had to go through a legal process as well as 2 different major developmental overhauls... not to mention that my original web designer went bankrupt :(
When I make it big

I do not see this website making big - it's too much hassle. Buyers will go to amazon instead with wide selection and where most people already have an account. Besides, it does look like a pyramid.

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