Baruch MFE Applying to Baruch Flex/APT MBA Program for Fall 2010 - some Q's

Hi everyone,

I am not sure where else to post my questions so I'm giving this forum a shot since many of the members are Baruch/Zicklin students...

#1 - Where can I find Baruch placement stats for their last graduating class? Other schools have this information posted openly yet I have been unable to find anything like this on the Baruch site

#2 - Where can I find information about hiring statistics for non-CPA/Finance majors? I see that much of the hiring is done by financial companies but I am specifically wondering (for example) how many MBA students majoring in Information Systems were hired. And what companies hired them? has some stats on the major firms that hire at Baruch but I am wondering where the non-CPA/Finance students are being placed.

I appreciate your help in advance. I am submitting my app for the Fall 2010 APT program in a couple of weeks.

Thank you,
as you have probably seen in this forum (you have searchrd this forum, right?), we are mostly concentrated on the Financial Eng program. We don't know much about the MBA program at Zicklin.
I forwarded the question to the right people. An answer may be posted here at a later time.
I appreciate the replies. Yes I have searched this forum and am well aware that it's more geared towards quant-specific programs. I could not find another forum to post this question on which is why I joined here :) I figured since there is a good number of Baruch students here, they may have some insight into the information I am looking for. I asked admissions for this information and got the typical "check our website" reply.... I have found this information for other schools on their respective websites but have not had luck finding the same for Baruch.

Thank you guys for the help though. I appreciate it.

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