Baruch MFE Baruch pre-MFE program Q&A (ask previous students)

1. Is it possible to take all three seminars at the same time? Schedule wise. I'm international, so I need to figure out if it would be possible to do it while visiting.
2. How long would it take to complete all three seminars if its possible to take them at the same time?
It is possible to take all three Pre-MFE seminars in February and March if you do not work full-time. You would complete them in two months.
3. I consider the tuition pricey (when all of them are added up), is there any scholarship or is it possible to make them consider this courses when applying for scholarship for the MFE?
There is no financial support for the Pre-MFE seminars.
4. Is the C++ course really necessary? (Like, should I avoid spending that money)
5. I noticed that very few people took the Python course, is it not really necessary for my development in the MFE? (Like, should I avoid spending that money)
Knowledge of C++ (one semester or certificate) is a pre-requisite for admission. Taking the Pre-MFE seminars or the online certificates is not required for admission to the Baruch MFE Program if you satisfy the requirements already. You could also take other courses in order to satisfy the admission requirements. However, the seminars from the Pre-MFE Program are specifically designed to prepare students for financial engineering graduate studies and emphasize financial applications.
Hi, I am also interested in applying to Baruch MFE for 2020. I had a few questions about applying to the Pre-MFE. I wanted to take all 3 classes in the spring.

1) How is the final exams structured for the Pre-MFE courses?

2) Is the books included in the cost of the course or would I be responsible for it separately?

3) Is there a particular format that my resume should be in when I apply to the Pre-MFE?
Hi, I am also interested in applying to Baruch MFE for 2020. I had a few questions about applying to the Pre-MFE. I wanted to take all 3 classes in the spring.

1) How is the final exams structured for the Pre-MFE courses?

2) Is the books included in the cost of the course or would I be responsible for it separately?

3) Is there a particular format that my resume should be in when I apply to the Pre-MFE?

1) for AC-FE and NLA - 1.5 hours programming exam, 1.5 hours written exam; for Probability - 2 hours written exam

2) No

3) No
AC-FE and NLA exams are open book, open notes; for the programming exam, bring your own code and code during the exam.
Hi all,

I'm an incoming student for all 3 pre-MFE seminars (Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability) for Jan 2020. I am also currently working on completing the c++ certificate as well before the start date.

As I'm targeting Fall 2020 MFE programs, I was wondering if it would be at all possible to make a strong enough impression with the professors before the final exam, as most MFE programs have final round application deadlines around March 15th. I believe that the pre-MFE professors will have a much more accurate sense of my abilities than my undergraduate math professors from 2-3 years ago, and thus may be able to provide a stronger recommendation.

While I'm aware that Baruch MFE admissions are happy to wait until after I complete the seminars, I would of course like to be considered for other schools as well.

A little background on myself - Dec 2018 Mathematics undergrad from top 30 US, 3.35 GPA, 740 GMAT (50 Q, 40V)
(Not sure if I should spend the time to take the GRE as well for a 170 quant score... I imagine it would take me 30 hours or so to prepare)

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to any insight.
As I'm targeting Fall 2020 MFE programs, I was wondering if it would be at all possible to make a strong enough impression with the professors before the final exam, as most MFE programs have final round application deadlines around March 15th. I believe that the pre-MFE professors will have a much more accurate sense of my abilities than my undergraduate math professors from 2-3 years ago, and thus may be able to provide a stronger recommendation.

Simon - indeed, instructors will write letters of recommendation for the students and if the letter is due before the completion of the seminars, then it will be based on homework grades thus far and course participation.
Hi Professor,
I've signed up for the NLA seminar, and I'm trying to understand if I have to review some math based on the exercises assigned in the pre-req on the syllabus. Some questions seem very practical (1, 2), questions (4, 6-10) are more theoretical.

* If I'm struggling with the theoretical calculations (its been a while since I went over this material), do you have any recommended readings?
* Are the homeworks more theoretical in nature or practical?
* Do the course hw questions come from the textbook? Are they the programming exercises at the end of the chapter? I don't want to spoil the questions by reviewing the solutions manual if we should not have the manual.
* Should we only code in c++? I want to brush up if needed before the course starts. The pre-req didn't specify a programming language.

* If I'm struggling with the theoretical calculations (its been a while since I went over this material), do you have any recommended readings?

Professor Gil Strang's linear algebra book should be an excellent reference:

* Are the homeworks more theoretical in nature or practical?

A mix, just like the book.

* Do the course hw questions come from the textbook? Are they the programming exercises at the end of the chapter? I don't want to spoil the questions by reviewing the solutions manual if we should not have the manual.

All homework questions are different than in the book, but knowing how to solve the questions in the book should be helpful in solving many of them.

* Should we only code in c++? I want to brush up if needed before the course starts. The pre-req didn't specify a programming language.

There is no specific language requirement, and it should not be C++ unless you are already very well versed in C++. R or Matlab will do fine,

See you in class.
Hi, I'm interested in the pre-MFE program at Baruch college. I have a few questions after I went through the introductions on the program intro page.

1. There're 6 courses. Can I take them simultaneously?

2. Currently the registration is closed. When will it be open again? Is there any chance that I can complete them by November this year?
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The programming courses are open year-round. The AC-FE and Probability seminars will re-open in October 2021, the NLA seminar in February 2022 and they will be offered virtually enabling people from around the world to take them.
The programming courses are open year-round. The AC-FE and Probability seminars will re-open in October 2021, the NLA seminar in February 2022 and they will be offered virtually enabling people from around the world to take them.
Thank you sir for your kind reply. I appreciate it.
Hi all,

As the NLA courses only offered in Spring, would it be possible for students to apply for the same year MFE program with the NLA certificate earned in Spring?

For example, in 2023, NLA's final exam date is March 27th and the deadline of the last round application is April 1st. Would the final result of NLA comes out before the MFE application deadline?

Thank you!
Hi all,

As the NLA courses only offered in Spring, would it be possible for students to apply for the same year MFE program with the NLA certificate earned in Spring?

For example, in 2023, NLA's final exam date is March 27th and the deadline of the last round application is April 1st. Would the final result of NLA comes out before the MFE application deadline?

Thank you!

The timing of the end of the Pre-MFE seminars in the Spring is such that the final results are available before the final round application deadline of April 1.
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