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Best Online R Tutorial

I want to teach myself R. As background, I've used many stat packages and math apps, b ut the last time I actually coded (beyond simple Excel macros was in Xbase in the 1990s. I've looked at several tutorials online, but as a beginner, I find it really, really frustrating when what I see in the video is not exactly what I see on my screen. Various functions, commands and menu items in these tutorials don't necessarily exist in the most recent version of R studio. There are probably simple workarounds for this but if someone new to R, I find it really easy to get confused. This is the case with the Coursera course that can be audited for free. Among other things, the first lecture shows how to use the "save as" command, whereas the "save as" command in my console is grayed out.

What's the recommended approach here? Find a tutor? If so, how? (There are dozens of places that will provide tutors, but my first try ended up with someone who said they were available and then were not.) What other online courses, free or otherwise will suffice?

Thanks for your help/advice.
Hello Professor Abbott,

I highly recommend the Big Book of R. The first few chapters, especially the second chapter has some great initial information (courses etc.)
Here's the link: Big Book of R

Hope it helps!