Buy-side quant internship or deep learning engineer internship?

Hi all,

I have been admitted by some graduate programs in the US, and I would like to get an internship this summer before commencement. There are currently two tracks for me.

One is a buy-side quant internship based in Shanghai, though I am not sure what will I be exactly responsible for.
The other one is a deep learning engineer internship from a tech company in China, I think it will be highly technical and coding-oriented, with little or no exposure to finance.

Thanks a lot for any advice!
Also, I would like to ask you guys whether experience in deep learning helps when finding a job in the US?
Ask about the day to day responsibilities on the buy side quant internship. I think it'll be more research based, while the deep learning engineer one will be more engineering based. I would kill for the quant internship but that's just me
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