Career Advice

Background - I am doing B.Com (Hons.), a bachelor degree in Finance and Accounting along with CA (Chartered Accountancy), a professional course in the field of auditing, accounting. I have studied calculus and probability in my 12th standard (say, High School in the USA) and never been exposed to programming till now. By next year I will be taking my first step towards CFA Level-1 certification. I am also working on learning algo trading by my own.

So, Finance is not the problem in my case. My problem relates to relevant mathematics requirements and programming requirements. I have some questions which I wanted to ask so that I can prepare my profile for the curriculum of MFE before applying.

Age-19(becoming 20 on 1st October)

1. From where Do I start my preparation? Anyone here can suggest me some online credit or maybe MOOC for mathematics preparation?
2. Which level of mathematics is required for MFE? What coursework is compulsory? any online resources available?


1. I have already been told that C++ is the major language in the field of Financial Engineering. But what proficiency level is sufficient so as to be eligible for MFE Student? Like Basic level, intermediate or advance?

Also, besides C++ there are three other languages too which I have heard use in Financial Engineering like Python, R, Matlab. So, IF anyone has expertise in any one out of this 3 language (like in my case I am working on python) then C++ prerequisite can be waived off or not?

3. Some online courses which teach programming language relevant for finance(If possible from basic)? Intermediate will be okay too.

4. The sequence of learning any programming language( I mean topics wise sequence)? I am a newbie to the programming and learning basics currently.

5. Online resources like video lectures, notes, podcasts (Free or Paid up doesn't matter)?

[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Other Queries-
1. I will be 20 by October 1? will it be too late to preparing oneself for MFE Curriculum? I can't switch my graduation from accounting though but I will be ready to put extra efforts whatever it takes to prepare myself for MFE? Age limit that one can go for MFE?

2. Before applying to MFE, would you suggest me to go for Masters in Finance so as to enhance my technical skills and quant skills since they use Bloomberg terminal for trading along with MATLAB for Financial modelling and also teaches financial engineering as electives and then go for MFE?

3. Since My Chartered Accountancy consists of 3 levels and I am starting my 3-year compulsory training at auditing and tax firm and will be giving CFA level 1 and 2 side by side? would you suggest me to skip Level 3 of CA(For some time) and First go for Masters in Finance and then gain some relevant experience in the field and then apply for MFE? [/FONT]
1. From where Do I start my preparation? Anyone here can suggest me some online credit or maybe MOOC for mathematics preparation?
2. Which level of mathematics is required for MFE? What coursework is compulsory? any online resources available?

Start now, in undergrad. You are young enough. Mathematics requirements vary by program but usually include multivariable calculus, linear algebra/vector spaces, calculus-based probability, calculus-based statistics, and differential equations.

I have already been told that C++ is the major language in the field of Financial Engineering. But what proficiency level is sufficient so as to be eligible for MFE Student? Like Basic level, intermediate or advance?

Most programs only require you to be proficient in any programming language (not necessarily C++). You want to be basic by the time you enter the MFE and come out with an intermediate level of knowledge.

Also, besides C++ there are three other languages too which I have heard use in Financial Engineering like Python, R, Matlab. So, IF anyone has expertise in any one out of this 3 language (like in my case I am working on python) then C++ prerequisite can be waived off or not?
I doubt programs with a C++ prerequisite will waive it in favor of Python/Matlab/R unless you make a very convincing argument.

1. I will be 20 by October 1? will it be too late to preparing oneself for MFE Curriculum?

I can't switch my graduation from accounting though but I will be ready to put extra efforts whatever it takes to prepare myself for MFE? Age limit that one can go for MFE?
Your accounting degree is pretty much worthless in the quant world. If you really want to go the MFE route, you need to switch directions now.

2. Before applying to MFE, would you suggest me to go for Masters in Finance so as to enhance my technical skills and quant skills since they use Bloomberg terminal for trading along with MATLAB for Financial modelling and also teaches financial engineering as electives and then go for MFE?

3. Since My Chartered Accountancy consists of 3 levels and I am starting my 3-year compulsory training at auditing and tax firm and will be giving CFA level 1 and 2 side by side? would you suggest me to skip Level 3 of CA(For some time) and First go for Masters in Finance and then gain some relevant experience in the field and then apply for MFE? [/FONT]
No. Just do the prerequisites for MFE in your undergrad and apply to MFEs directly. Why waste 3 years of your life doing something that is irrelevant to what you want to do? Why do an accounting degree / certification if that's not what you want to do professionally?
Thanks mhy for your help.....but if you don't mind...could you please suggest me some online accredited resources for learning relevant maths and for programming certificate in C++.
Because in my university I don't have relevant electives that teaches me relevant maths and programming.....
Thanks mhy for your help.....but if you don't mind...could you please suggest me some online accredited resources for learning relevant maths and for programming certificate in C++.
Because in my university I don't have relevant electives that teaches me relevant maths and programming.....
Quantnet/Baruch C++.

doubt programs with a C++ prerequisite will waive it in favor of Python/Matlab/R unless you make a very convincing argument.

Indeed. There is no comparison. Matlab and R are like toolboxes and not languages as such. (IMO)
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