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Career Advice

  • Thread starter Thread starter ciri
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Hi Everyone,

This is my first post. I just terminated my Bachelor in Finance w/ major in quantitative methods for finance. I have a pretty strong base in mathematics and statistics (but not at a "bachelor in math/stat" level). I graduated with 110/110 with Honors and had a GPA of approximately 3.6/4.0 with the highest grades in Math and Stat courses. During my studies I worked as an intern in the Asset Management industry in a big 4 company.

I aspire to apply for a MFE in January and in these months I'd plan to work on my programming skills and possibly find a further internship in a quant/trading/AM field.

What else should I do to maximize my chances and what advice would you give me?
What courses in math\stat did you take? Name them for us, please. Name the topics.

What languages can you code in now? If you know R, python, what packages are you very familiar with?
Of course
- General Mathematics: Differential calculus, Integral calculus, Limits, Sequences and series, Real functions, Continuous functions, Limits
- Statistics: Summary indices for univariate variables, bivariate phenomena, Sampling schemes and construction of sample random variables
- Mathematical Finance: Derivatives contracts and their valuation, Time dynamics of interest rates, CAPM, Generalization of compound capitalization for equity securities, Option pricing (from the discrete to the continuous model)
- General Mathematics 2: Functions of two or more variables, differential calculus, Quadratic forms, (un)constrained optimization problems, Discrete and continuous probability distributions, double parametric integrals, vector spaces, bases, generator systems, Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, eigenspaces, Bilinear spaces, isometries.
- Statistics 2: Transformations and convolutions of random variables, Multidimensional random variables, Notable inequalities (Jensen's inequality, Markov's inequality, Chebyshev's inequality), sequences of random variables (notions of convergence and laws of large numbers), point estimation (properties of estimators, method of moments and delta method), Likelihood function and maximum likelihood method, Interval estimation (construction of confidence intervals), Elements of computational statistics (introduction to the R language), Hypothesis testing (significance tests, likelihood ratio tests), Estimation methods in particular situations ( profile likelihood and EM algorithm), Statistical model selection (graphical techniques, goodness-of-fit tests, likelihood-based criteria)
- Financial Econometrics: Classical linear regression model and diagnostic tests, Regression analysis for historical series (ARMA/ARIMA, Autoregressive Distributed-Lag models, Granger causality), Models to describe volatility (conditional heteroscedasticity, GARCH/ARCH).
- Actuarial Mathematics (life): Fundamental biometric functions, Traditional life insurance contracts, Annuities, Premium calculation, Risk and savings premiums and mathematical reserve formation, Life insurance reserving, Linked policies (Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model)
- Actuarial Mathematics (non-life): Determination of the risk premium, Construction of the rate premium, Personalisation of the premium, Technical management indicators, Technical reserves, The calculation of the premium reserve in the accounting balance sheet, Statistical-actuarial methods for the evaluation of claims reserves, Risk retention and reinsurance methods
- Risk Theory: Moments, Generating Functions, and Probability Distributions (Bernoulli-Binomial-Poisson-Negative Binomial-(log)Normal-Gamma-Exponential-Chi Squared-Student's) , Individual and Collective Approach in Risk Theory, Moments of the Aggregate Cost of Claims, The Risk Reserve and Its Relationship with Claim Costs, The Risk Reserve Over a Multi-Year Horizon

Python: matplotlib, pandas, numpy, scipy
R (not really familiar with): ptprocess, hawkes
Programming seems light. Maybe bolster it with C++.
Your main objective would be to identify the programs that aligns with your long term career goal. It in itself requires thorough research. Some programs will get you a job but not a career so pay extra attention in this step.
Programming seems light. Maybe bolster it with C++.
Your main objective would be to identify the programs that aligns with your long term career goal. It in itself requires thorough research. Some programs will get you a job but not a career so pay extra attention in this step.
Thanks Andy, I plan to relocate in the US: North East or Texas mainly. Not very into IB or corporate finance, but interested in more quantitative fields like global markets, macro, statistics. Yes also not really have strong programming skills. I am considering Yale AM, Chicago, Columbia MFinEcon, McCombs, Fordham, MIT Mfin...
Those programs are not very quantitative. They are from business school and have a flexible curriculum so I guess you would approach these programs different than you do Baruch, CMU, Chicago, etc.