Finance & Risk Engineering at NYU Tandon School of Engineering
11 hrs ·
We would like to introduce the new Chair of the Finance and Risk Engineering department here at the Tandon School of Engineering: Dr. Peter Carr.
Seen here shaking hands with his predecessor, Professor Charles Tapiero, Dr. Carr was previously the Managing Director, Global Head of Market Modeling for Morgan Stanley, and also the Executive Director of the Masters program in Mathematical Finance at the NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Science. Previously, Dr. Carr served as a faculty member at Cornell University.
Dr. Carr is a top international researcher in the area of financial engineering, where his specializations include research on derivatives and the modeling of volatility. He possesses a unique ability to bridge the world of academic research and the professional finance community. Dr. Carr was named the Quant of the Year by Risk Magazine and was honored as the Financial Engineer of the Year by the International Association of Financial Engineers and Sungard. He is also the past recipient of the ISA Medal of Science.
We look forward to Dr. Carr’s leadership in raising the department of Finance and Risk Engineering to even higher levels of excellence. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Carr to our community, and we wish him nothing but success.