I am currently working in an investment bank, and would like to know which qualification would suit me better should I choose to pursue it. I am extremely interested in the mathematics of financial markets, analytics and risk management, and as such I think I would prefer to take the CQF course- however the CFA is possibly more widely recognised and would open up another career path which would also involve using those skills I mentioned. I would be grateful if someone could enlighten me on these two courses. Cheers!
Should you want to persue your interest in having a more technical skills set, CQF would be the most appropriate for you as oppose to the CFA as the latter doesn't cover that type of background you're after... Cheers...
clatty cake, I've been trying to break into IB with engineering degree. I would like to know more about the stuff you do for IB. I would really appreciate, if you could share your experience with me.
Hi Jayanthan, I think entry level jobs in IB are pretty difficult to get right now. I only got in after about 7-8 months of applying after graduation, doing part-time work to fill in the breaks and earn some money. Are you in your final year, and what plans have you got at the moment?
I graduated last December. I am now trying to break into IB ( I am currently working as an engineer though). What would you recommend me to do to break in? How did u find one?
As you may know Clatty, I have an interest in the CQF...

What is your background in terms of education ?
Hey Domini, I'm a mathematics with financial mathematics graduate from a university in Britain (Bachelor's, or undergraduate degree-no masters). I graduated last year and recently got offered a position in an investment bank, and have been looking at the CQF qualification for future reference. Anything you'd like to share about the CQF? :geek:
The CQF is much more about the maths of markets than the CFA, so it might match your existing skills better.

I hadn't realised you were in London, why don't you come along to an open evening, that wought to answer a lot of questions ?
DominiConnor I'm also interested in taking the CQF....unfortunately for me it's kind of hard to pay it (I don't have any sponsor :( ) Is there any other way to fund the CQF besides the Thomson Reuters scholarship?....I'm from South America...thanks in advance!
Hi Domini, I'm not based in London unfortunately- I work in Manchester. Would there be any chance of an open evening around the area?
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