China Shows Zero Tolerance for Stammers as Goldman Can Attest

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It is one of the most strange and ridiculous trade barrier I ever heard.
China Shows Zero Tolerance for Stammers as Goldman Can Attest

Aug. 23 (Bloomberg) -- At 8 p.m. on a Tuesday, currency expert Michael Image sits in a nine-by-nine-foot room near Hong Kong's bustling bar district, gnawing on a pen and discussing financial terms -- in Chinese.
``Say `tong ji,''' chimes language teacher Elena Jiang, crisply pronouncing the term for ``statistics'' as she draws two characters on the white board: one shaped like a winged pagoda atop a tree, the other an embellished Christian cross.
``Tong ji,'' repeats Image, inadvertently altering the tones to mean ``fugitive'' and drawing a correction from Jiang.
The parry-and-blow is part of an hour-long class Image, 30, has been taking every week since 2004, six months after London- based Standard Chartered Plc transferred him to Hong Kong to advise clients on ways to reduce their foreign-exchange risk.
In China, the era when overseas executives could rely on translators is ending. Authorities now require top executives at securities firms to pass written and oral exams in Mandarin, the national tongue, and Chinese managers expect meetings to be conducted in their own language.
``An executive can probably get by without speaking Mandarin, but the one who does will have a much better chance of succeeding,'' says Helen Cheung, a director at Executive Mandarin, the language school where Image studies. ``It makes you seem more intelligent, more involved than the foreigner who just sits there and smiles.''
Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is learning that lesson. The firm's plan to appoint Richard Ong, a Malaysian-born Chinese, to head its venture in China was derailed by concerns he wouldn't be able to pass the test, required of all ``senior managers, directors and supervisors'' since November. Instead, New York-based Goldman promoted Zha Xiangyang, a native Chinese, in May.
Goldman spokesman Edward Naylor declined to comment on how the bank is responding to the test. Ong, who holds an MBA from the University of Chicago, also declined to comment, Naylor said.
``If the boss of a securities company in China doesn't know the language, how could we expect him to communicate effectively with the staff, the government and investors?'' says Xu Weijuan, who heads the department that preps bankers for the test at the Securities Association of China. ``He wouldn't even understand the notices we post on policy changes.''
Goldman and UBS AG are the only global investment banks that have management control of ventures allowed to underwrite share sales in China, and so are most affected by the exam requirement. Firms including Citigroup Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are seeking to create similar ventures after China's benchmark stock index rose fivefold in the past two years.
Philip Partnow, a managing director at UBS's Beijing venture, is the only Western banker who's passed. He declined to comment for this story.
`More Open'
Most overseas managers are learning Chinese voluntarily.
Image, who studied psychology at Oxford University and heads Standard Chartered's currency-product team, says his language skills helped him break the ice at a recent meeting where Chinese executives spoke to each other in their own language. When Image introduced himself in Mandarin, they were stunned.
``Just knowing what's going on during meetings, being able to nod at the right time and interject makes a big difference,'' Image says. ``They're more open and willing to deal with me.''
At Executive Mandarin, the number of investment bankers studying Chinese has risen 30 percent in the past year, says Cheung, 39.
Chinese is one of the toughest languages to learn, says Qing Zhang, a professor of linguistics at the University of Texas. First, the meaning of each sound changes depending on tone. The four tones applied to the sound ``yi'' change the meaning to ``one,'' ``aunt,'' ``chair,'' and ``100 million.''
56 Strokes
Worse, students must memorize thousands of picture-like characters, instead of the 26 letters that make up English words.
For instance, the character for ``moon'' resembles a crescent, that for ``man'' looks like a figure on two legs, and ``follow'' stacks one ``man'' on the back of another. The simplest Chinese word is the character for ``one'' which is a single horizontal line, the most complex requires 56 strokes.
``The toughest part is retaining the vocabulary,'' says Image. ``The characters don't look like anything in European languages.''
Cheung of Executive Mandarin estimates a non-native would have to study Mandarin full-time for five years to pass the securities exam. Since the test began in 2005, fewer than 10 foreigners have passed, according to a list of successful candidates posted on the Securities Association's Web site.
China's approach is unusual. Neither Japan nor Hong Kong test top managers at securities firms. In both places, specialists such as analysts and fund salesmen must pass job-specific tests that can be taken in English.
``The government may be trying to raise the status of spoken and written Chinese as an international business language,'' says Zhang, 38. ``The message is: If you want to do business here, you have to learn our language.''
Image is relieved the government isn't yet testing managers of bank's currency departments. Still, he won't be cutting his Mandarin classes anytime soon.
``This language opens doors,'' he says.
To contact the reporter on this story: Le-Min Lim in Hong Kong at
Last Updated: August 22, 2007 18:10 EDT
it means that only naturals will be able to pass that exam... However, I'm always worried about quasi-communist/communist regimes.
That's what the red China is trying to do.
They want Foreign money and investment knowledge, and technology etc., but they don't want foreigners to run those firms. They want the locals be able to run those foreign firms.
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