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Choosing undergrad for Quant Finance/MFE path?

I'm currently in Grade 12 of high school, and I'm interested in pursuing a career in Quantitative Finance with a master's in Financial Engineering. I've been contemplating my undergraduate options, recognizing that there are multiple routes I can take. I am particularly drawn to the computer science side and leaning towards a developer role rather than a researcher. Considering this, I am unsure about the best choice for my undergraduate degree. Should I pursue a degree in Data Science, Statistics, Financial Mathematics, Computer Science, or Actuarial Science?
I'm currently in Grade 12 of high school, and I'm interested in pursuing a career in Quantitative Finance with a master's in Financial Engineering. I've been contemplating my undergraduate options, recognizing that there are multiple routes I can take. I am particularly drawn to the computer science side and leaning towards a developer role rather than a researcher. Considering this, I am unsure about the best choice for my undergraduate degree. Should I pursue a degree in Data Science, Statistics, Financial Mathematics, Computer Science, or Actuarial Science?
The role you’re likely looking for is a quant developer.

Computer science will be your best route. However, I’d really urge you to get a minor in financial mathematics.

I am quant developer and wish I had more math knowledge.