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CMU vs Fed

Hello everyone, first of all, thank you so much for your helps so that I could get my CMU admission today.
It has been a year with a lot of preparations, anxieties and excitements, and I have made so many good friends in this process. It has really been an invaluable experience!
In fact, besides CMU, I have also been offered a job in Chicago Fed as research assistant covering financial market research. I am having a hard time deciding if I should take the job or going to CMU.

The job itself is not very demanding, and not so much like what a typical quant job. However, I am thinking that I may possibly meet many top figures in the city if I network well, and there it is possible to transition into the private industry after 2-3 years. As Chicago is the clearing center for options, futures and some other derivatives, I feel it is highly likely I may get some first-hand experience on the development of financial regulations regarding those fields, and could possibly be useful in my later career.

However, as for CMU, I really like it so much. It has been my dream school since my sophomore year. I like its balanced focus on financial theories and financial computing. The job prospect is also excellent. But nevertheless, I worried a little about going there without any w/e will put me in disadvantage. Since a decent job is so hard to get nowadays, and whenever something is rare, it becomes a valuable asset.

In the future, I would like to work in derivative markets, maybe trading, maybe structuring. As more banks are cutting prop trading to comply with the new regulation, should I worry about the prospect of MFE?

I will thank you guys in advance for your generous help!
MFE degree from CMU can get you a structuring or trading job right after graduation. Several of their alumni are traders. Getting exposure to regulation is VERY important and will help you greatly down the line in your life, but get the CMU degree, Or work for a year and defer your admission by a year if you can.
I will definitely like to defer my CMU admission. I will call them tomorrow. But the problem is, on CMU's website, it states explicitly that they do not defer.... that's why it is so hard for me to choose. I am just thrilled at both choices.
I have no experience with this, but if I was in your shoes, I'd take the job offer.
Hey, can anyone give me some advice? Thank you so much! This is really a troubling dilemma for me!
It's harder to go back to school once you're fully employed and have a family, etc. So if CMU is something you really want, and think that in the future you'll want to go back to school, maybe it's best to do it now.

After all, you'll be working your whole life. If you got the job now, maybe you'll get a similar (or better) job upon graduation.