Columbia MFE Columbia FE Class Size/Admission Rate

Does anyone know what is the incoming class size for Columbia's financial engineering program? I know it says 300 on quantnet but after talking to and admissions representative, it seems to me the class size is probably smaller. The admissions representative did not give a precise number or range but he implied a small incoming class. Does anyone have an idea of what the admissions rate was in the past few years? I'm sure there were more applicants this year than in previous years but I would still like some information on this.
My undergraduate major is economics and GPA is 3.0. Does that mean I don't have any chance to get enrolled in Columbia FE programe?
What if I get hign GRE GENERAL and GRE SUB MATH scores?
I don't want to give up the dream!
Come on, guys! Give me some suggestions please! Thank you!
In addition to what Andy has said, which is correct, keep the following in mind. This past year, Columbia's MSFE, MSOR, and MSEMS programs are unusually large because they decided to admit just about everyone from their undergraduate programs who were unable to find jobs in the market last year (a very unfortunate dilution which had never happened in the past). In any case, the incoming students from places other than Columbia should expect similar admissions rates as previous years - possibly even lower if the practice of admitting IEOR undergrads continues. So I would take the number of students currently in the MSFE program as an upper bound for your estimate.

As for Jie Chen, it's not hopeless as long as you got higher grades in quantitative courses. And you need an 800 on the quant section of the general GRE. And do all the obvious other things like get fantastic recs and write a great statement, etc. Work experience (with a rec) would help you as well.
In addition to what Andy has said, which is correct, keep the following in mind. This past year, Columbia's MSFE, MSOR, and MSEMS programs are unusually large because they decided to admit just about everyone from their undergraduate programs who were unable to find jobs in the market last year (a very unfortunate dilution which had never happened in the past). In any case, the incoming students from places other than Columbia should expect similar admissions rates as previous years - possibly even lower if the practice of admitting IEOR undergrads continues. So I would take the number of students currently in the MSFE program as an upper bound for your estimate.

Are they selective on Columbia's undergrad? I mean, if someone who went to Columbia undergrad, but only had average GPA like 3.2, do they still admit him... ? I find it strange that Columbia would take just about "EVERYONE" from their undergrad program....
As a current Columbia undergrad, could anyone please elaborate on the admission statistics or likelihood of Columbia undergraduates being admitted compared to students from other undergraduate programs?
I am not sure about MSOR and past classes, but I don't think the rumor is true regarding letting Columbia undergrads straight into the program. In the current MSFE class, from the class of 57 students, there is only one student that came directly from Columbia undergrad.

If you are a current Columbia student, then why not just go directly to the IEOR department and consult with the director there about your options?
@Andy Nguyen
Could you please update the links.
The older ones dont work anymore.
Cant find out the class size for Columbia MFE

Hi. I saw from another forum that the class size in 2012 is around 80, about 60% Chinese and 20% Indian. The one who said so was (claimed to be) a graduate of this program so I guess it's close to the fact.
Also I heard interview performance isn't very important, so don't worry :)
Hope this helps. Good luck!
Hi. I saw from another forum that the class size in 2012 is around 80, about 60% Chinese and 20% Indian. The one who said so was (claimed to be) a graduate of this program so I guess it's close to the fact.
Also I heard interview performance isn't very important, so don't worry :)
Hope this helps. Good luck!
Thanks a ton man!
Hi. I saw from another forum that the class size in 2012 is around 80, about 60% Chinese and 20% Indian. The one who said so was (claimed to be) a graduate of this program so I guess it's close to the fact.
Also I heard interview performance isn't very important, so don't worry :)
Hope this helps. Good luck!
But if that is true, what do they reject people after the interview for?
But if that is true, what do they reject people after the interview for?

What I heard is that they have already formed a list before interview, and interview is just used to make slight adjustments. It's still your background that matters the most. But this is just rumor. Who knows...
What I heard is that they have already formed a list before interview, and interview is just used to make slight adjustments. It's still your background that matters the most. But this is just rumor. Who knows...
i seriously doubt that. I dont think my interview went too bad though now.
Lets see.!
Wow... So there is almost nobody from places other than China, India, Europe,
USA? That sounds weird.
By Chinese, I mean ABC, CBC, and Chinese nationality. Correction, if you want to be exact, there is 2 korean and on american-Korean. There is one Singaporean that is "Chinese". Also there is 5 Canadian but they are all different heritage. I dont know how specific.........
Let me change Chinese to Asian, maybe thats better suited.
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