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I have got the admissions from Columbia MAFN and UCLA MFE. I'd like to ask which one is better and what are their pros and cons?

(I am a PhD student in physics and want change my direction to FE. For a personal point, my fiancee is also on the east coast in UPen.)
Lol if your fiance is in the east coast go to Columbia lol its like a 2 hr drive to penn.

I am going to Columbia MAFN and turned down UCLA.
Drive-by, but Columbia MAFN for the school brand name and the location. And the fiance. This is assuming roughly equal tuition at both programs.

You should probably be aware that this may not be the most selective quant program at Columbia. That said, it's a perfectly good program that will get you into IT or risk management at a large bank.
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I'd go with Columbia if you want to work in the tri-state area (esp NYC) after school. But both are good programs I believe.