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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
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Did anyone who got admission submit a GRE score? I still heard nothing and I doubt that's the reason of the optional GRE policy and I didn't submit GRE.
Hey guys,
I got an update email today saying my application is still being reviewed by a small admission committee. Anyone got the same thing and got in or rejected afterwards?
I got that update email on 1/19 saying my application is still under review and then they gave a batch of offers on 2/11. I think this is a sign that they will give more offers soon. However, I did not receive anything this time. Hopefully, people who get accepted on 2/11 can answer whether they got the update email beforehand. If yes, I guess my next email from them would be a rejection. LOL
I got that update email on 1/19 saying my application is still under review and then they gave a batch of offers on 2/11. I think this is a sign that they will give more offers soon. However, I did not receive anything this time. Hopefully, people who get accepted on 2/11 can answer whether they got the update email beforehand. If yes, I guess my next email from them would be a rejection. LOL
I had received the update email on 1/25 and got the admission around the 15th of February, I don't think this e-mail is meant to give any color on acceptance or rejection whatsoever. As long as you don't receive any rejection e-mail, I believe you can still hope for the best !
I had received the update email on 1/25 and got the admission around the 15th of February, I don't think this e-mail is meant to give any color on acceptance or rejection whatsoever. As long as you don't receive any rejection e-mail, I believe you can still hope for the best !
So they released more offers after 2/11 batch. Not know this before. Thanks!
I got that update email on 1/19 saying my application is still under review and then they gave a batch of offers on 2/11. I think this is a sign that they will give more offers soon. However, I did not receive anything this time. Hopefully, people who get accepted on 2/11 can answer whether they got the update email beforehand. If yes, I guess my next email from them would be a rejection. LOL
Same. Got an email update on 1/19 but haven’t heard anything back since…
Folks who received an offer: can someone please let me know how many days would Columbia allow to accept/reject the offer?
My application says “Your application has been moved to review with the Faculty Committee.”
What a pity….
Does Columbia not send rejections until the very end? Should we expect more offers coming out or not?