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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
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Does Columbia not send rejections until the very end? Should we expect more offers coming out or not?
Apparently Columbia has released at least two big waves of offers 2/11 and 3/11. I guess they have sent out most of offers, and to be honest, if there are more admits, that won't be a lot. I think they will start to send waitlists and rejections soon. Hope for the best, but it's smart to make some other plans.
Apparently Columbia has released at least two big waves of offers 2/11 and 3/11. I guess they have sent out most of offers, and to be honest, if there are more admits, that won't be a lot. I think they will start to send waitlists and rejections soon. Hope for the best, but it's smart to make some other plans.
wait. Did Columbia release a big wave of offers on 3/11? I only saw one update in tracker.
No, but the last batch of offers were made on 3/11 I think and the candidates were given 2 weeks to secure the place. Maybe we can expect something new week
Are you sure if many admits are left to come out? Like they haven't rolled out all admits?
umm based on what I saw in previous years, they certainly haven't rolled out ALL admits at this point. I am not sure there will be large batches coming but there should be more admits I think
umm based on what I saw in previous years, they certainly haven't rolled out ALL admits at this point. I am not sure there will be large batches coming but there should be more admits I think
But they seem delayed on the timeline of decisions compared to previous years, right?