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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
  • Start date Start date
Only one Columbia MFE application has been updated with a decision on the tracker till now out of 10+ applications. I would like to think there are more admits to come.
Yeah me too but last year they released admits on only one day right and later they released a batch after 2 weeks. I guess after the deposit deadline was crossed.
Yeah me too but last year they released admits on only one day right and later they released a batch after 2 weeks. I guess after the deposit deadline was crossed.
Yes that’s right. The deposit deadline for NYU Tandon is 28 Feb right? If they follow last year’s trend then it will be difficult for people who have to reply before the deadline. Personally, my deadline for Courant is on 23 March, so I just hope I can receive a decision before then.
My application portal ("Application Status...") changed a few minutes ago.
The whole "your application has been moved to faculty..." thing is gone and instead I have invitations to admitted students webinars.

Good sign I guess, although for now there is nothing official and nothing that cleary states that I am admitted.

Edit : portal updated again, got admitted!
Best of luck to everyone, hope they will send more admissions during the week :)
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My application portal ("Application Status...") changed a few minutes ago.
The whole "your application has been moved to faculty..." thing is gone and instead I have invitations to admitted students webinars.

Good sign I guess, although for now there is nothing official and nothing that cleary states that I am admitted.
It should be an admit, congrats!
Not me refreshing my Columbia portal every day out of insanity...

I feel less and less enthusiastic about hearing back from these schools, now that it's been so long since the application deadline. Columbia has been my dream school since I was 15, but this waiting period feels like torture lol (btw this is all in jest, I know we're all toughing it out rn)
My application portal ("Application Status...") changed a few minutes ago.
The whole "your application has been moved to faculty..." thing is gone and instead I have invitations to admitted students webinars.

Good sign I guess, although for now there is nothing official and nothing that cleary states that I am admitted.

Edit : portal updated again, got admitted!
Best of luck to everyone, hope they will send more admissions during the week :)
Congrats! I got a similar message under my application status 'Your application has been moved to review with faculty'. Is that a good sign?
At this point I just feel like everyone (including myself) who hasn't heard from Columbia is just getting rejected in April. But I'm probably just feeling that way from the anticipation of hearing back

In other words - AHHH
At this point I just feel like everyone (including myself) who hasn't heard from Columbia is just getting rejected in April. But I'm probably just feeling that way from the anticipation of hearing back

In other words - AHHH
I relate to this so hard man, wish you the best!