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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
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In previous years, it seems like they sent out an email saying that applications are under review and start sending out admits near now. Has anyone heard anything from them?
Under the Current Status header on the application portal mine says “your application has been moved to review with the faculty committee” but i never got an email. perhaps they’re not sending them out this year?
Under the Current Status header on the application portal mine says “your application has been moved to review with the faculty committee” but i never got an email. perhaps they’re not sending them out this year?
I see the same when I check, but unsure if that was an update or if its been like that since I completed the application. Also unsure if it is the same message that applicants were receiving other years but hopefully.
Under the Current Status header on the application portal mine says “your application has been moved to review with the faculty committee” but i never got an email. perhaps they’re not sending them out this year?
Where did you see that? My application page does not have a current status header. Was that header always there?
Where did you see that? My application page does not have a current status header. Was that header always there?
It should be in between the top header when opening your application that states "Application Status for ...." and the Verify Address header.