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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
  • Start date Start date
It should be in between the top header when opening your application that states "Application Status for ...." and the Verify Address header
In my case, all I see there is : "
Application Details
Application Round: 2024 On-Campus Graduate Programs
Application Term: Fall 2024
Application Program: Financial Engineering Master of Science ". Is that normal ?
It should be in between the top header when opening your application that states "Application Status for ...." and the Verify Address header.
Thanks for clarifying. It seems like what you saw on your application is unique to you and other applicants. I would say that is a good sign for you. Take my words with a grain of salt, but maybe the last step to accepting you is to have your profile reviewed by the faulty members.
Under the Current Status header on the application portal mine says “your application has been moved to review with the faculty committee” but i never got an email. perhaps they’re not sending them out this year?
Mine says the same thing. Right beneath application details.
In my case, all I see there is : "
Application Details
Application Round: 2024 On-Campus Graduate Programs
Application Term: Fall 2024
Application Program: Financial Engineering Master of Science ". Is that normal ?
right after the application program line I have a Current Status header that indicates my application has been moved to review
I noticed the "application has been moved to review" header earlier today after seeing others in this thread talking about it. I'm not sure when it showed up to be completely honest.
Thanks for sharing that info.

When did you submit your application?
Congrats everyone!!
Does Columbia release results in batches? Since the website says the results are mailed out till march end I think