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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
  • Start date Start date
I am writing to inform you that you have been placed on our waiting list for admission to our 2010 Masters of Science in Financial Engineering here at Columbia.
Being put on our waiting list is actually a strong statement about your performance, as we expect to have an overall MSFE admissions rate of less than 20%. In particular, we are impressed with your qualifications, and we hope you succeed in that, elsewhere if not here.
We are unlikely to be able to make further decisions until April, but we will try to do our part by letting you know one way or the other as soon as possible.

this means if i told lied to them and told them that they were my top choice then i wouldve got in
just got an email saying im waitlisted

Gosh, waitlisted too.
We are unlikely to be able to make further decisions until April, but we will try to do our part by letting you know one way or the other as soon as possible.
I am writing to inform you that you have been placed on our waiting list for admission to our 2010 Masters of Science in Financial Engineering here at Columbia.
Being put on our waiting list is actually a strong statement about your performance, as we expect to have an overall MSFE admissions rate of less than 20%. In particular, we are impressed with your qualifications, and we hope you succeed in that, elsewhere if not here.
We are unlikely to be able to make further decisions until April, but we will try to do our part by letting you know one way or the other as soon as possible.

Since you are a strong candidate, you should get other opportunities. We hope that you have good alternatives. Fortunately, there are many good schools. We ask you to inform us if you remain interested in our program, or our Masters of Science in Operations Research.

Iniesta, should we informed Adina now by email?
looks like the third round of emails is for those who were waitlisted.
I am waitliested too. I got the same e-mail. We have to choose whether we want to stay waitlisted or to be redirected to MSOR and be considered there. This comes down to choices of others and game theory concept. Not very pleasant situation. I have to think about it more.
I am writing to inform you that you have been placed on our waiting list for admission to our 2010 Masters of Science in Financial Engineering here at Columbia.
Being put on our waiting list is actually a strong statement about your performance, as we expect to have an overall MSFE admissions rate of less than 20%.

How is it possible to have over 1000 applications, accept around 90-100 and say less than 20%? Am I missing something?
I am waitliested too. I got the same e-mail. We have to choose whether we want to stay waitlisted or to be redirected to MSOR and be considered there. This comes down to choices of others and game theory concept. Not very pleasant situation. I have to think about it more. :confused:

It is not an easy choice. But I do not think that we need to make a decision in a short time. We just need to update our alternatives till April!
I am waitliested too. I got the same e-mail. We have to choose whether we want to stay waitlisted or to be redirected to MSOR and be considered there. This comes down to choices of others and game theory concept. Not very pleasant situation. I have to think about it more. :confused:

I'm sure that everything will be okay!
What is the status of your application ?
Mine hasn't changed to "declined" it is still showing "Decision: pending"
I was interviewed on the 25th and rejected.

Did anyone else get rejected after an interview? Scanning the thread, I see waitlists and admits for interviewees.