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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
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Based on the tracker, it does not seem likely that anyone who was not interviewed will be admitted. Hoping that I hear from them soon, but I do not have high hopes.
Has anyone been contacted by an IEOR ambassador yet? I pressed the 'Accept Invitation' button two days back but haven't received any further information...
I am still not getting an invitation. I submit my application on Jan 5.
Anyone submit on the same day get an interview ?
Has anyone been contacted by an IEOR ambassador yet? I pressed the 'Accept Invitation' button two days back but haven't received any further information...
I heard from them yesterday evening. My interviewer is a current student of the department. Don't worry, I am sure they will contact you soon.
I would really appreciate it if anyone who gets interview could ask interviewers whether all invitations have been sent out and has anyone already been admitted yet.
many thanks
Any student from China got the invitation? Is it due to special consideration of Chinese new year that they will delay the send out of invitation?
An international student who is a friend of mine in college also got one at the same time as myself (earlier this week) and interviewed at 9am on last friday (I was at 11, but we had different people interviewing us)