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Columbia MFE Columbia MSFE Exact Deadline Time?

Quick question for those who have knowledge on this matter.

I am aware that the deadline for Columbia MSFE is Jan 6 2014.
Does this mean 11.59pm Jan 6? or is there a specific time or does this mean 11:59 Jan 5?
I know it would be safer just to submit early but I am having some issues with getting my official transcripts and just wanted to know what the last possible submission time is.

Thanks in advance.
If the deadline were 11:59 Jan 5, the deadline would be "Jan 5" and not "Jan 6".
But about the hour ... I don't know. It can be midnight but also in the morning...
I would imagine, and please note that this is just a hunch, that any submission on January 6th is okay. I got mine in a few hours ago to be sure it was in before the end of the work day. It would seem weird to have a midday or morning deadline without explicitly stating so somewhere online.
I guess this doesn't matter now but according to an email I got from ieor-admit@columbia.edu
the deadline has been changed to "Jan 13, 24:59 Eatern time zone"...I'm guessing 24:59 is 23:59...but w/e
Thanks, @Dataminer . I did not receive an email regarding any deadline delays. Did you ask via email personally?

yeah, I asked them personally via email. You might wanna double check with them if you need to make a change or haven't submitted yet. Although it looks like you've submitted already.