Computer Science online courses

I'm considering some online computer science courses because during my education I've only done courses in Finance and Math. Which of these are usefull for a quant job? Which are more important? Do you know any other relevant CS online course or maybe a better version of one of these?

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Python) – MIT

Introduction to C++ – MIT

Programming Methodology (Karel and Java) – Stanford University

Programming Abstractions (C++) – Stanford University

Programming Paradigms (C++) – Stanford University

Introduction to Databases – Stanford University

Introduction to Programming in Java – MIT

Algorithms Part I and II (Java) – Princeton University

Algorithms: Design and Analysis Part I and II (C, Python or Java) – Stanford University

Heterogeneous Parellel Programming (C++) – University of Illinois

Compilers (C++ or Java) – Stanford University
Depends if you want to be more of a quant or more of a developer.

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
is a classic for more dev oriented tracks.

For more quant stuff, I would say you need broad basics, so maybe part 1 of some of those 2 parters, as you want enough exposure to be able to reason about algorithms and algo design, but not so much that you become an expert. Probably skip compilers as that is way more into the programming side. Databases are essential.
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Python) – MIT is equal to Programming Methodology (Karel and Java) – Stanford University but with a different language right? Should I do both before Programming Abstractions and Programming Paradigms or just one of them? Is Introduction to C++ – MIT relevant with the previous or doesn't add value?
From the descriptions, the MIT course looks better for a quant track, the Stanford one seems better for dev roles.

Paradigms and abstractions look like very different courses, each useful in its own right.

The C++ course is useful if you aren't familiar with it already.

I'd drop the MIT Java, compilers, parallel programming, and Algorithms courses. These things are useful, but the level at which a quant needs to know them doesn't justify taking full courses.
Thanks for the help but my questions were:

1-I want to do programming paradigms and abstractions. Is Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (MIT) a replacement for Programming Methodology (Stanford)? Programming Methodology is the first course of the set.

2- As C++ is used in both programming paradigms and abstractions, should i learn it previously with the MIT course or it's redundant?
1) The MIT course looks different from the Stanford one, so is not a real replacement.

2) That depends on your level of comfort with programming in general and with C++ in particular. The abstractions course looks like it has some intro material for C++ as well as a compare-contrast with Java. The MIT course is short though (4 weeks), so that's the level you would be looking to gain from it.
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