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Portal status hasn't changed yet. I received an email.
Congrats! And did you email the office to ask the application status? Like the email you mentioned before, did they send you that email because you asked about your progress or they just notified you.. thanks and congrats again!
Congrats! And did you email the office to ask the application status? Like the email you mentioned before, did they send you that email because you asked about your progress or they just notified you.. thanks and congrats again!
Thank you! They only sent me an email. I did not ask them about my application.
It's a pleasure to help. We're just getting started and always solicit input. What else do you suggest we add/improve to make QuantNet more useful during your application process?
I would say definitely invite more representatives like like Dan, Izabela, and Olga from top programs. Their answers are first-hand, insightful, and reassuring, because they are insiders!
Personally I'll be here to help the applicants in the future for the years to come. Hope Quantnet gets better!
I would say definitely invite more representatives like like Dan, Izabela, and Olga from top programs. Their answers are first-hand, insightful, and reassuring, because they are insiders!
Personally I'll be here to help the applicants in the future for the years to come. Hope Quantnet gets better!
I love this response so much. Members sticking around to help other members make Quantnet the community it is today.
In the future, we will host online admission events for our audience. It will be a platform to connect programs to our huge audience.
Please stick around, share your application experience with others, and help me build resources for current students. We plan to build an interview questions quiz that you can take to prepare for internship interviews.
Maybe a database of firms that offer quant internships, how to apply, etc.
I love this response so much. Members sticking around to help other members make Quantnet the community it is today.
In the future, we will host online admission events for our audience. It will be a platform to connect programs to our huge audience.
Please stick around, share your application experience with others, and help me build resources for current students. We plan to build an interview questions quiz that you can take to prepare for internship interviews.
Maybe a database of firms that offer quant internships, how to apply, etc.
I definitely plan to stick around!
"We aim to have all applications evaluated by the end of March" - this is what the admissions committee replied with, so don't lose hope yet.
This is a message of hope. But truth is if you have not gotten an offer from any school by now and you applied for round 1/priority deadline (Dec/Jan), chances of getting in are already very very low.
Read from the website that most decisions are made between Jan 15 and March 15. Did anyone receive any decision announcement today? I still didn’t hear anything back from Cornell..