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Course Options

hi, so im currently in my third year of uni and now since ive begun seriously thinking about quant, id like to take more quant finance courses. So my options are
machine learning
measure theory
advanced probability
theory of inference
generalised linear models
baysian inference
financial maths
risk management
intro to time series

im thinking of doing measure theory, stochastics, time series, financial maths and machine learning. Im just wondering what the more experienced people on heres opinion are. Also im considering of doing a masters after ive finished my course hence ive chosen measure theory. Any advice is appreciated
What area of study are you doing?
im currently doing a bsc in maths, if thats what you meant? its not a specialised degree or anything so i have access to pure and applied courses aswell,
numerical analysis
ergodic theory
random matrix theory
i think these are the only relavent modules
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Things like numerical analysis, ODE, PDE, C++, optimisation.
Measure theory is not really so important as some might lead to believe (BTW I did several MT courses as undergrad).

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