Databases and SQL- where to start?

  • Thread starter Thread starter roni
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Does having installed both .NET 3.5 and .NET 4 somehow conflict with running SQL and VS 2010?
Then check this: Also, Bloomberg is sponsoring SQLite development, so I guess they have some interest too... Now, SQLite certainly is not in the same league as other DMBS mentioned, it's much simpler and slower. But it has its place in some simple projects and, in my opinion, nothing could beat it in using it by novice for learning - do you really think someone should bother with learning first how to setup and connect with server etc., in order to start learning SQL?

Also, I doubt too that MS SQL has better performance than PostgreSQL, at least not in case if PostgreSQL run on Linux.
If you are computer literate to try to build projects that require a database component, you should be computer literate enough to run an installer and type "localhost" into an ip field. I think this is a reasonable expectation, at the very least.

My experience with MSSQL and Postgre has been that MSSQL performance is an order of magnitude better. You pay tens of thousands of dollars for something after all... ;)
If you are computer literate to try to build projects that require a database component, you should be computer literate enough to run an installer and type "localhost" into an ip field. I think this is a reasonable expectation, at the very least

We're not talking about this type of person here, we're talking about person that is just willing to learn some basics of SQL.

On the other side: with most of commonly used client/server RDBMS already mentioned in this thread, allow me to mention also DB2 Express-C here - one could not get more "enterprise" than that.

My experience with MSSQL and Postgre has been that MSSQL performance is an order of magnitude better. You pay tens of thousands of dollars for something after all... ;)

Maybe it's because you have more experience in tuning MSSQL. Or maybe, as I mentioned above, you've used PostgreSQL on Windows, where there are known performance issues. Because claiming order of magnitude performance difference just doesn't sound believable. Here are described results of benchmark showing slight advantage for PostgreSQL. This report is admittedly produced by an interested party, but at least they provide sort of description of the benchmark procedure. Anyone among us could state "for me, X is 10x faster/better/whatever than Y", but such claims carry no weight without the description of the specific testing procedure.

Also, having to pay for software certainly is not any kind of a-priori guarantee that this particular piece of software is better than corresponding cheaper or free software of the same type. Take Windows HPC server as an example: it's costly and MS is constantly throwing loads of money and resources into its development in order to acquire at least some piece of the market, still no sane person in HPC community would choose it over Linux for any type of HPC work.
I used PostGRE on linux under equivalent server resources in a professional production environment. It was slower for all equivalent queries. I'm not sure how RedHat got their numbers, but based on my experiences, I don't believe them and think they found a way to cook their own test.
I was somewhat really involved with databases until 4 years ago. At that time, from the major DBs that I dealt with (Oracle, MS SQL, Sybase, Informix and MySql) MS SQL was the worse. I didn't have experience with Postgre nor DB2 so I can't comment. Also, anything you could do with MS SQL, you could do with MySql for free and usually faster.

IMHO, Oracle was way better than the rest by a wide margin. I don't know how things are now.
Websites are powered Linux server use mySQL as part of their LAMP (Linux+Apache+mySQL+PHP).
Quantnet also runs mySQL and it scales very well.

If you want to use Windows host, you have to pay extra for their license to use MS SQL and other stuff. That's why LAMP is widely popular.
>Take Windows HPC server as an example: it's costly and MS is constantly throwing loads of money and resources into its development >in order to acquire at least some piece of the market, still no sane person in HPC community would choose it over Linux for any type >of HPC work.

If your company is invested in a MSFT development and production environment, then you move over to Windows HPC for heavy lifting. No sane person would rewrite their MSFT infrastructure and analytic code base to run on a Linux HPC environment. For the right price, MSFT will provide first line support from development to production for all their products.
If your company is invested in a MSFT development and production environment, then you move over to Windows HPC for heavy lifting. No sane person would rewrite their MSFT infrastructure and analytic code base to run on a Linux HPC environment. For the right price, MSFT will provide first line support from development to production for all their products.

Yes, you move to Win HPC in this case as you have no other choice: what you described is exactly the situation that MS is trying to put their customers into - lock-in.
I have created 2 tables in SQL and want to save the database file itself for later use (specifically for "restoring database") and I cannot do that. Can anyone tell how to do it correctly? Thanks
I have created 2 tables in SQL and want to save the database file itself for later use (specifically for "restoring database") and I cannot do that. Can anyone tell how to do it correctly? Thanks
which database system are you using? you need to do a backup of the schema. That's the easiest way.
There is an option to do a backup. I don't remember the command but I'm sure there is some point and click think in SQL Server. Right click on top of the database/tables you want to backup and the option should be there.

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