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Developer vs Quant Researcher


I am currently a graduate student in Econometrics/Statistics. I do not have any first hand knowledge about quant jobs. I am reading some books. From the book, it seems like that most of the roles available are kind of a software developer roles. Desk quant are very rare. Is it true? I am ok with programming, but it is not something I want my primary focus to be. Can someone tell me what are the roles, if any, that are available for someone like me?
With that background, I would look at quant research roles on the sell-side or portfolio management roles on the buy-side.
Desk quants are not for people with your background. You will have better luck on the buy-side, such as hedge funds, asset management firms, etc.
every quant role involves heavy programming, some more than the other. If you're just econometrics/stat guy and don't like programming, sticking to Academia will give you a better career. Maybe some macrofunds could be interested in your background.