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Do I realistically have a change?

My goal is to get into CMU mscf. Currently, I'm doing cs and mathematics at Ohio state university. However, looking at the class profile of CMU MSCF, much of the students are from top colleges in India and China. So, do I even have a chance coming from a state school like osu?
You already asked this question a month ago. Do the best you can at your current school, and you'll have a good chance.

If you're feeling insecure, you can DM me. I've had the same worries as you wrt my undergrad school and ability to get into top programs. I have not worked fully through my insecurities, but if I could sum up my thoughts these past two years, it would be to do the best you can with what you have. Life is kind of like a stochastic process; it doesn't matter what happened in the past to get to the current state - all that matters is that you do everything in your power to increase the likelihood of moving to a better one.