Everyone.......suggest me a safe University for MFE??

My profile:

GRE 312
Q 164
GPA : 3.2
8 IEEE publications( International conferences)

No work ex..........
Major: Computer Engg
If you wanna be stand out, go to lower tier universities..you will have potential to be a super star there instead of surrounding by stars in top schools
If you wanna be stand out, go to lower tier universities..you will have potential to be a super star there instead of surrounding by stars in top schools
In this video Dr Mayer talks about the benefits of being surrounded by smart people and the drawbacks of being surrounded by adorers.
I somehow feel there aren't too many 'safe' MFE programs worth going to, let alone very easy to get admission in.
Safe with respect to your application's decision or safe with respect to getting a job post the MFE? These 2, IMO, would invariably be mutually exclusive sets.
Meaning even admissions to the tier-2 universities aren't necessarily 'safe' as such in they're still competitive and still only admit less than 30% of applicants for the most part. Are they safe with getting a job? Not really, given the economic climate, and how reticent a lot of these schools have been about their real placement data. So, they're definitely not mutually exclusive.
AV-Wolverine, what I was trying to tell Siddharth Patil was that if at all there are any universities offering FE that may be safe from the admissions point of view, they will most certainly be dangerously unsafe from the job-prospects construct.
This is a dangerous mindset to get when it comes to success in this cut-throat industry. You want to compete with the best candidates to get in the top programs, in order to have the best chance to get the best jobs available.
What would doing anything less competitive help in the short and long term? You are paying the same or even more for the lowest ranked programs as you would the top programs.
Applying to "safe" programs is a popular hedging strategy for applicants and sadly, a lot of people would go to any program without considering whether it will improve their job prospect later on.
So..................what should I do next??
Wait n watch .............for the univs I have applied to like USC MFE n all

Or apply next year..............

Or apply to safe univs with low placement rates.............
Andy Nguyen, Sushant, AV-Wolverine

You may want to decide between enhancing your career prospects in quant finance or getting a degree at any cost first. Having been to the US for undegrad, it's not wise to go to a non top-notch program as an international hoping to get a job. Even coming back will be a pain, since you would've missed all the campus recruitment that's usually done here.
I applied to Rutgers and received an admissions offer for this year. I did my undergraduate from low ranking/profile American liberal arts college, Econ/Math major. Had a GPA of 3.8+ and very similar GRE scores to yours . As far as I think, GRE scores matter only if you have very weak Math grades or if u score full marks and stand out, otherwise its merely a formality; just get 750 or over (which you have). However, I do have half a year work experience as a data analyst at a local financial firm back home.

Siddharth, I think you have a very strong profile except your GPA, but that's not THAT important. The fact that you are an Indian applicant also serves as a disadvantage since you will be competing with a very strong pool. However, you should still apply since you have publications and your grades on prereqs are on par with what they want, I assume. Do write a nice statement of purpose; try and emphasize your mathematical strengths and talk about your publications. Of course, with American colleges, recommendations are as important as your GPA. Shore up everything else and I think you will get an Admissions offer. Nothing much you can do about your GPA

Lastly, consider the fact that the program at Rutgers is quite expensive and it becomes worth the cost if you are confident to land a high paying job later. Thus, the fact that you have no work experience will work against you when an interviewer asks even a simple generic question like "So what can you do for us?" I hope you get my drift. I still think you have a strong profile, work experience would help considerably. Please don't feel bad about loosing a year and picking up experience..trust me..it does help a lot. You could further bolster your profile by taking GRE Math subject test...a good score would almost surely make your GPA irrelevant. Do this, and I am sure you will even have a shot at NYU next year.

I hope this helps.
Thnx a lot for ur in depth review on my profile...........................
Can u provide me ur email id?? Interacting wid u will eventually help me a lot in applying further.................
n also....nice to know that i can still hope for a positive response this year from Rutgers!!!!!!!
I am not sure what you mean with "safe university", but if you are talking about your integrity, then there is no place in the world were you can be 100% safe not even your home or your dorm, in any case I just read Washington U has an online program a Master in Math Finance + Risk.
This is the future, wait a year at most and Baruch maybe will go on line too ? !
I am sure some big universities will provide free - full access to their programs, of course if you stay abroad -not in US-
There will be no need for student visa
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