Fall '09 Schedule; thoughts?

PhDs in what? Real analysis is only a biggy if you use it in your field. There are many more fields that don't rely on real analysis, or use it sparingly.

False. Real analysis is essential to get any kind of deep understanding of ODEs, PDEs, Stochastic processes (and SDEs, since measure theory is basically taught graduate level real analysis).
Exactly my point chaoticcrambler. Its not needed for algebraic geometry, algebra, logic, etc, etc.

I was just merely making the point that real analysis is not essential for any PhD, even one in mathematics, and that such generalizations aren't true. Sure, if you decide to do a PhD in mathematical finance, you should know real analysis very well.
Exactly my point chaoticcrambler. Its not needed for algebraic geometry, algebra, logic, etc, etc.

I was just merely making the point that real analysis is not essential for any PhD, even one in mathematics, and that such generalizations aren't true. Sure, if you decide to do a PhD in mathematical finance, you should know real analysis very well.

I agree. I just thought we were talking more in context of finance / math finance.
Exactly my point chaoticcrambler. Its not needed for algebraic geometry, algebra, logic, etc, etc.

I was just merely making the point that real analysis is not essential for any PhD, even one in mathematics, and that such generalizations aren't true. Sure, if you decide to do a PhD in mathematical finance, you should know real analysis very well.

You can get into a algebra PhD program without having taken analysis?
There are schools that don't require analysis for even math undergrad. Even for your PhD you can avoid taking analysis.
Exactly my point chaoticcrambler. Its not needed for algebraic geometry, algebra, logic, etc, etc.

But for algebraic geometry you need a fairly heavy dose of complex analysis and for this you would need at least the rudiments of real analysis. I'm not saying grad real analysis is essential but without one or two undergrad courses in real analysis you are likely to get into trouble sooner or later.
Ok we've officially high-jacked this thread. Bbw you can argue your point for any math subject, they usually always have a common overlap somewhere. And it also depends on what you're focused on in alg. geom.

All I was saying is that real analysis is not essential in general, it depends on what you're doing.
...Pulled through with an -A in Real Analysis, an A in probability and an overall 3.91! Thank god thats over!
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