Fall 2008 admission

I have a Masters in Computer Applications (MCA) from India. I have been working in the US for investment banks for the past 8 years. I missed the deadline for Fall 2007 MFE program.

Could you let me know the following:
1) Are you accepting applications for Fall 2008 at this time (that way I can start working on the pre-requisites)?

2) Do I need to take GRE in order to get admitted. i.e. is it mandatory ?

3) I am working full-time. What are the minimum credit requirements for part-time MFE course.

4) Since i missed Fall 2007 deadline, I would like to take the required pre-requisites ahead of Fall 2008 semester. Please let me know what courses I would need to take as pre-requisites?

1) Are you accepting applications for Fall 2008 at this time (that way I can start working on the pre-requisites)?
2) Do I need to take GRE in order to get admitted. i.e. is it mandatory ?
3) I am working full-time. What are the minimum credit requirements for part-time MFE course.
4) Since i missed Fall 2007 deadline, I would like to take the required pre-requisites ahead of Fall 2008 semester. Please let me know what courses I would need to take as pre-requisites?
1) Yes. If you have them ready, send away.
2) Yes
3) Usually 2 courses (6 credits) semester. Some students take 3 courses/ semester.
4) This can be found on the website Baruch College's Financial Engineering MS Program
Prerequisite Courses. Applicants are required to have taken a minimal set of courses in finance, mathematics, and computer science, before being admitted into the MFE program, as follows:

* Knowledge of Finance, as demonstrated by one undergraduate class or work experience
* Calculus (two semesters)
* Probability (one semester)
* Linear Algebra (one semester)
* C++ programming skills at the level of one undergraduate class, or by completing a certificate degree
For a prerequisite to be considered met, the course must have been passed with a grade of B or better.

Even though I'm familiar with the admission process at Baruch MFE, you should consider contact the Admission officers to verify.
2008 Application Advice

These questions are directed at successful applicants, I will be applying for Fall '08 admissions. Any advice is apprieciated.

1. Essay - Maximum length is 3 pages double spaced. Did you use the entire space allowed, or strictly enough to tell your story?

2. Letters of Recommendation - Embark allows for 4 registrations, yet only 3 recommendations are required?

Also, the letter of recommendation format appears to be a questionnaire. Is it better if a recommender writes supplemental information?

3. GRE scores- I am taking it this July, do I have my score submitted directly or should I wait and have it submitted with the rest of the application.

Also if, as ETS says, " my scores do not reflect my abilities" how will a retest affect my reported score? (read-will anyone see the original?)
Courses are one day per week, 6-8:30pm. All classes are at night to accomodate part-time students and faculty with full-time jobs.
To add to Woody's comments, the Baruch MFE degree requires 36 credits. It means 12 courses of 3 credit each. It takes 3 semesters studying FT (4 courses/semester) or 4-6 semesters doing PT.
These questions are directed at successful applicants, I will be applying for Fall '08 admissions. Any advice is apprieciated.

1. Essay - Maximum length is 3 pages double spaced. Did you use the entire space allowed, or strictly enough to tell your story?

2. Letters of Recommendation - Embark allows for 4 registrations, yet only 3 recommendations are required?

Also, the letter of recommendation format appears to be a questionnaire. Is it better if a recommender writes supplemental information?

3. GRE scores- I am taking it this July, do I have my score submitted directly or should I wait and have it submitted with the rest of the application.

Also if, as ETS says, " my scores do not reflect my abilities" how will a retest affect my reported score? (read-will anyone see the original?)
I don't remember exactly what I did in 1,2 so hopefully newly admitted students can help.
3) When you finish the GRE exam, you have an option to send that score directly or not if the score is not as expected. If you select not to report at the end of the exam, you will have to pay to have them sent later on.
If you retake the test and score better, earlier reported score is ignored. Or whichever better score will be taken into account.
My essay was 2 pages. I'd say write as much as you need to tell your story, but DEFINITELY keep it under the max.

I'd only send three recs unless you really think the fourth is important or helps your application.
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