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financial engineering and algo trading

Hi guys,
I'm working in a securities firm in an emerging market that will soon allow algorithmic trading in about 3-4 years. Once it commences, I believe that it would be a great opportunity to have expertise in it before others. In order to do so, I wish to work in firms that do algo and/or high frequency trading in the US to learn as much as I can. The best way to get my foot in the door is to get a master's degree in the US.

My question is, is financial engineering a good degree for this? I can't imagine another degree being more related. What are the benefits from FE degree that I could use in algo trading? I'd appreciate any comments and links between the two. Thanks!
AFAIK at least two programs include teaching on algorithmic trading, CMU'S MSCF and Baruch's MFE. Check out their curriculum.
seems like there's a course or two that briefly touches the subject, but I guess there's no specific course on algo trading anywhere..