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Financial Engineering Search Portal

Simplicity of Search

This makes sense. Most likely I will combine commodities and futures and possibly combine some of the other things as well. The reason some of the searches pull up identical information in different categories is I have not completed the differentiation algorithm.

Thanks, Matthew
Search Results vs. Advertisements

I just searched for vega, and got hits from marrying in Vegas and Vega hedge fund....:sos:

I think you may be referring to the advertisements, which are not as targeted as the search results.
Accuracy of Results

I suggest you narrow down your searching database, for instance, www.finmath.cn, over 140 sites could easily lead to unwanted results.

I think you may find that clicking on the programming tab provides results similar to those obtained from the site you mentioned. In other words, it is my hope that a person will be able to drill down and obtain more targeted results if needed. The goal is to have all of the functionality of an engine such as the one you mentioned, and more. Do you find this to be the case?

Thank you,