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First order differencial equation

Can you solve: dy/dt + ln(t) * y = -sin(t) * y''

In numerical methods not analitically
Domain? Tolerance? Neighborhood for solution? And with the y" term, it's not a first-order diff equation.
it's not a first-order diff equation.

Yes correct I modified it after stating the first order diff. equation.

dy/dt + ln(t) * y = -sin(t) This is it. Analytically.
numerically... analytically... well which is it?

Analytically. The trouble is that on the right side there appears sin(t) * (t^t) * exp(t)
If you want an analytic solution, closed form solutions for first-order diff eqs are well-known and, for the most part, tractable. Use an integrating factor.

(y(t) = e^{-t\ln t + t}\bigg( C + \int \sin(t) e^{t\ln (t) - t} dt \bigg))
I think the OP was looking for an closed form solution to the sin(t)e^(stuff) integral. I don't think you're going to find a closed form solution to this.