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Free software for plotting 3D graph


I want to plot the vol surface, I have the data already, what I miss is the graphical presentation. Can Excel do it ? Is there any good freeware ?

Thanks !.
Excel can plot a 3d surface, can be annoying to set up though.

As for freeware, you could try Octave. (GNU project, similar in functionality to Matlab).
3D Plots

I personally prefer SciLab to Octave for free MatLab-like software. Though SciLab is very similar to MatLab, it does not try to be a MatLab clone, so some of the instructions are different.

Gnuplot produces some absolutely phenomenal plots, but I did not find learning it to be easy. Unfortunately, Gnuplot is very difficult to invoke programmatically, so one almost always has to save one's data in a file format gnuplot can understand and then create a file of gnuplot instructions to obtain the desired plot.
you can also use scatterplot3d library in R
<code> library(scatterplot3d)
scatterplot3d(wt,disp,mpg, main="3D Scatterplot")</code>
In C++ you can use OpenGL although not that trivial to use at first.

Python has a bunch of plotting libraries.