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Gambling addiction - "safe" career path as a quant


I am writing to ask you for advice about possible career path as a quant.
However, main thing I would like to mention is that I am addicted to gambling, but I have not been gambling for approx. 3 years. Therefore, I wanted to ask if there is any attractive and satisfactory career path as a quant, which is not close to trading desks (which I believe could be destructive in my case)?

I have graduated in applied maths (specialty in insurance maths) about 5 years ago and since then I have been working in finance industry, but in a non-quantitative position.
I am definitely not a developer type, I have only basic knowledge of VBA, R and Python.

Currently I plan to direct my career to a more scientific/quantitative area, and becoming a quant was my first choice/thought. However, before starting self-studying/further academic studies in this area I wanted to ask if there is any type of quants, who deal with research/ derivatives pricing/ machine learning etc. on daily basis, but are not focused on trading strategies or other activities connected with trading in daily work?

Thanks guys in advance for the answers and apologies for my poor English.