GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Info

  • Thread starter Thread starter Caesar
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Great stuff. I actually ran across it a few months ago while googling for some info. I just wish it is more current and other programs have similar report. Maybe they do but are not public.
After all, every program has to self-evaluate and report the university.
To be fair, the tracker represents a very self-selected group of applicants given the collective >50% acceptance rate. Just look at the graph for Chicago MSMF on top right of the Tracker for example. Quantnet members are more likely to get admitted into any given program than the applicant pool at large.
what at about the qcf assistantships? i see in the pdf file that 30% of the students get an assistantship. Is that real that those who get admitted for the qcf program has a good chance of getting an assistantship.
hey what about the other programs like fin eng from poly-NYU and LSus mathematical finance? which one is better . Can we compare with them with Georgia Tech's QCF?
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