Baruch MFE Help deciding on the Baruch MFE

I think I would like to get into Quantitative Investment Research or some sort of program trading. I'm really not sure of what a what routes an MFE would take. What do risk analyst, and program traders do, in general and on a day to day basis, and how does the MFE train them specifically to suceed in this field. Where do the Baruch MFEs work and what are their titles? Do companies recruit in campus and how difficult was it to find jobs and how do those positions taken stack up with students from "top tier" programs.

I attended the info session and all they talked about specific ways each person could demonstrate they have finance or math or programming accumen; if this test or that class would suffice.

It was as if they just wanted to do some degree and were more concerned with getting in than getting a degree with a proper fit.I want to know WHY I would take the MFE over a math degree and finance classes or an MBA.

Personally, I have a CFA and an MBA from top 20 school. I'm considering just getting a BA in Math Degree from a school where I've been lecturing. Should I just go a pure math route. Is this program the best path or is it redundant.

It was mentioned that we could sit in on some lectures and maybe sit down one on one with director or advisor. They said to posty a message on this board and someone would read it.

Any feedback on any or all of my questions would be appriciated.
Ah, I see that you didn't meet the Director of the program. Try to sign up for the next one on Oct 16th.
You can find much of your question, you can find the answer from
1) Baruch - Quantnet Wiki
2) Baruch FAQ - Quantnet Wiki
3) Masters in Financial Engineering (MFE) - Baruch College
4) Chat with Director of Baruch MFE program - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum

Keep in mind that your job is to try to convince them that you are a great fit for the program, not the other way around. To show that you are a great fit, you need to do more research about the program and Quantnet is the place to do so.

Dough put up a great starting point at Forum FAQ - Quantnet Wiki
I also was at that info session, and I noticed that there were many questions about improving the application. Such questions are answered in the Baruch FAQ Andy linked to. (As a side note, people sometimes people lose sight of why they are doing something, and get caught up with the thing itself.)

As for job and career prospects, you should definitely spend some time browsing threads and looking at the guides found on the Forum FAQ I just put up; there is a question there devoted to it.

If you find resources that answer the question better than that on the FAQ, please let me know so I can update the FAQ; it is a big question people ask.

Good luck!
It makes a lot of sense to attend one of the actual classes as a guest, to get a true feel for this program. I attended one of the classes taught by our director Dr. Stefanica ---I believe it was the PDE class--- and immediately felt at home (due to my undergrad's engineering education and the fact that Dr. Stefanica treats everyone like part of a big family)

It was all I needed to convince myself to go ahead and submit my application.
I attended the info session and all they talked about specific ways each person could demonstrate they have finance or math or programming accumen; if this test or that class would suffice.

It was mentioned that we could sit in on some lectures and maybe sit down one on one with director or advisor. They said to posty a message on this board and someone would read it.

You will receive an email inviting you to attend a class and talk to me in person. Looking forward to meeting you.

I also attended the information session last week and I am looking forward to talking to people from the admission office.
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