Historical prices in Datastream

I would like some help with finding historical prices in Datastream. I am interested in finding Open/High/Low/Close prices for various companies on the Hong Kong Exchange, bur right now I am only able to locate the Adjusted Prices in Datastream. Can somebody please guide me in how to proceed?
When you mean when you say dataStream? do you mean you have taken the pagesource and pushed the html code into a stream you created? Cause I might have solution if you reading off a website pagesource.
Curious about Thomas Reuters

Is this datastream for Thomas Reuters a live feed of some sort? If I was looking to pull live data to my neural network for research purpose could this place be a solution?
Yes I mean Thomas Reuters DataStream. I am sorry if I was not clear with this. Is there anyone here who might be able to help me?
Yes I mean Thomas Reuters DataStream. I am sorry if I was not clear with this. Is there anyone here who might be able to help me?

I've used datastream in the past, but was working more with bond and interest rate data sorry. I do recall, however, that there were a lot of tutorials and datastream-related help files floating around the net, some quite comprehensive. I can only suggest google is your friend :)
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