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how do I network?

Hey guys, first post here :)

A little bit about me: I am an Applied Math student going into my 4th year at York University in Toronto, Canada. My GPA is about 3.2. Hoping to boost it up next year (my last year). I also have about 7 -8 years of programming experience. C# mostly. However the problem is that the only knowledge of finance I have is from what I've read (books, reddit, globe and mail).

The more I read, the more I get discouraged :( Is it really that hard to break in? I've been on LinkedIn trying to find people that are quants.

Should I add everyone to my connections? Should I email them asking for a coffee or lunch? Would people mind that someone they havn't met wants to see them?

Also since I will be graduating next year with a bachelors, are their any entry level jobs for bachelors only? I want to do my masters/phd however I am scared that after I spend time/effort and money on a grad degree, I still may not be able to find a job. But if I can find an entry level position (or even an internship) it would be beneficial.

PS: Any quants here from Toronto area?
Is it hard to break in? You better believe it.
Shops that hire out of undergrad? If you can find an open-minded one that you convince to send you a programming assessment, show them that you can do some sort of work by way of said assessment, and request to prove yourself before receiving an outsize paycheck (read: you're going to be poor your first year), then sure, you can get a job in some under-the-radar shop that's going to make sure to thoroughly vet each and every candidate and pay them a pittance and let all of the brand namers go to the brand name banks.

In the meantime, if you cut it, you'll know it.
Try www.ycif.com (young canadians in finance) , it's a 50$ membership, but they host a lot of social events, conferences, etc.

Best 50$ I spent last year. Got me a job too!

Sorry if I look like an ad men.
Try www.ycif.com (young canadians in finance) , it's a 50$ membership, but they host a lot of social events, conferences, etc.
That site links to another domain that is for sale. The correct one is http://www.ycif.org/eng/
Tell the guys there to use the membership fee to buy the .com domain. No business should operate without a proper .com domain ;)