How is PHD Financial Mathematics from Turkey ??

Hello everyone!!

i am posting this thread after reading lots of things about MFE and PHD in FE. i want to share my problem here, and that is i have done Bachelors in Business and IT which was an amalgam of Finance and IT courses. After that i got the chance to come to turkey for MS in accouting and finance. I have started my MS, later on i found a PHD in financial mathematics from one of the top universities in turkey. Just a bit confused is it good to go with PHD Financial mathematics or PHD finance (from the same university ? I was also considering an option of doing CFA (but nothing sure with it though)....
My career objective is to work in investment industry but teaching career is also attractive.

Following are PHD courses for financial maths (some of them are from MS financial mathematics)
1)probability theory
2)stocastic calculus for finance
4)financial economics
5) time series applied to finance
6) Advance stocastic calculus for finance
7) methods of computational finance.
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