To pursue a career in Quantitative Finance requires, of course, a strong Mathematical backround, as well as programming. So, as I will do attending University, it's important to focus on these subjects.
But I strongly believe that a knowledge of basic Finance and Business would help you to have a broaden view on what you're studying. This, however, can also be achieved by self-study. Besides, if you change up your mind (who knows, what your interests will be in the future) it will give you the possibility to change your career, but always remaining in the Financial field.
In my University Faculty, for example, we study EDP and Analysis I,II,III, but I have also an exam whose name is "Economy and Corporate Finance". Maybe it'll be easier than the high level Maths courses, but I think it's very useful, too.
Who does not agree with me, please say it. It's never too late to know something better.