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How much does Institutional volume account for stock exchange volume?

How much does Institutional volume account for stock exchange volume? That is, what percentage of daily exchange volume is accounted for by institutions. Include sources if you can =)

umm.... google?

Recent decades have witnessed a dramatic increase in institutional ownership in equity markets. At the end
of 2004, the average fraction of shares owned by institutional investors in US equity markets was 53%, more
than double from the 20% at the end of 1980. In terms of trading volume, institutional investors accounted for
over 70% of the trading activity on the NYSE in 1989 (Schwartz and Shapiro, 1992). In 2002, the proportion of
NYSE trading volume made up by nonretail trading increased to 96% (Jones and Lipson, 2004).

I did google, but all I could find was relatively outdated information. This is a bit better than I found but I was wondering if there is something even more recent. Thanks though!
Look through a few yearly filings, they usually show institutional ownership %.