How to proceed with coding this trading application

backend: Java and JDBC/Hibernate, C# and framework
front end: JSP? ASP? HTML
if you are writing web application, apply MVC or MVVM framework (Model-View-*)
I have dropped the idea of making a web application. Planning to make desktop application..
backend: Java and JDBC/Hibernate, C# and framework
front end: JSP? ASP? HTML
if you are writing web application, apply MVC or MVVM framework (Model-View-*)

If OP uses .NET the Standard Event Pattern and (multicast) delegates is well worth lookking at, ADO.NET is also cool.
the reviews of the book are mixed..did you read it?

Yes., I have the book. It discusses most of .NET that you need. I would have liked more on the the trading architecture myself. But it could be a good starting point, e.g. Producer-Consumer pattern, threading, sockets, APIs etc.

It is a basis for further improved process.

A useful library if you use NET is TPL. I reckon this would be useful to you.
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Are there any such books which guys know of? That has detailed steps of developing a system?
I am now thinking which one would be better C++ or Java? Are there any existing frameworks in any of these languages which will make my work easier?
For my project i am developing a automated trading web application. I wanted to know the programming languages which would help me in doing this. I started reading javascript ,html,java and sql.

The application is supposed to do the following:

  1. Seperate user logins and dashboard for each user
  2. It will continuosly monitor the data in the database and make certain calculations(i have the formula for the calculation to be made). And based on this it will suggest whether to buy or sell.
  3. A detailed report of the trading done will be displayed. Eg: Highest gains,greatest losses etc..
  4. Historically back test the data and generate a report of the trades.
But i don't know how to start with coding all these functionalities.! I am not expecting someone to teach me coding. I only want some to help me with providing a road map of how to develop this. Like which different programming language to use to implement these functionalities and finally integrate it into a single web application. Please take time to provide a specific answer.

Are you allowed to use third party software such as TradeStation or MultiChart? The programming language are called Easy Langugage and Power Language, respectively. Either one can give you exact information you want (trade signals, equity curve, detailed backtesting report). I personally use MultiChart provided by my broker.
I am now thinking which one would be better C++ or Java? Are there any existing frameworks in any of these languages which will make my work easier?
Java will be easier. For frameworks, look for concurrency frameworks and GUI frameworks. Java has standard libraries for both.

NB. easier != better
hello guys!! had a complete change in the technologies which we are going to use for the project,.. Finally decided to go with developing a web application.. Till now i have used HTML,CSS, Javascript, ajaxand for database operations i am going to use java. Found helpful tutorials on
Do you guys know of any data source which is economical.? I just want to display the live data, i wont be performing any database operations on the that,.. It will be just like a ''market watch area''. I dont need many instruments. Gold and silver data will be fine. Please reply me with some data source name. I tried surfing but did not get any valuable data sources.
I am searching for a live data feed. This seems to be a good repository for historical data... Can anyone please reply with some live data feed names which are economical..i will just have to show the data during the project demo! So its just one day. However to check if it works i will need it for a week.
soemwhere on this forum is a threat about free data... in there there's a live data tick feed that you can test your trading on... intraminute level. i think it requires coding in R though. search for it
soemwhere on this forum is a threat about free data... in there there's a live data tick feed that you can test your trading on... intraminute level. i think it requires coding in R though. search for it
can please provide me the link for the forum thread?
thanks for your reply. I wanted a source for live data feed..
I just want to display the live data, i wont be performing any database operations on the that,.. It will be just like a ''market watch area''. I dont need many instruments. Gold and silver data will be fine. Please reply me with some data source name. I tried surfing but did not get any valuable data sources.
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