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HPC & GPU Acceleration in Finance, 3 day hands-on course sponsored by Microsoft

HPC & GPU Acceleration in Finance
3-day hands-on course

Date: Monday, March 28th – Wednesday March 30th
Time: 9:00am – 6:30pm
Location: Microsoft Office, NYC, NY

Get hands-on training and cutting edge information on the right technologies that deliver performance, that scale, and make good business sense.
With ever increasing volumes of data, markets that move at the speed of light, and a business and regulatory environment that demands answers now, not later; simply keeping up is a challenge. Microsoft HPC (high performance computing) solutions deliver in the demanding world of finance. This 3-day course will show you how to apply Microsoft HPC technologies, along with Nvidia hardware, now to gain an edge.

Attendees will gain in-depth knowledge of state-of-the-art HPC supercomputing technology and get a walkthrough of industry-first features.
  • Hands-on HPC and GPU programming - you will be writing code
  • How to apply HPC supercomputing now
  • Derivatives pricing with HPC
  • Moving risk and compliance to real-time
  • HFT and electronic trading
  • Scaling Excel models to run on HPC
As a Microsoft sponsored event this course, normally $4,500, is only $1,000!

Register now at: https://msevents.microsoft.com/

For more information and a class syllabus, please contact:
Andrea Carson, (617) 281-3617, v-ancars@microsoft.com

