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Is it advisable to do a MFE

I am from India and need some advice regarding education-

1) Is bsc data science a good undergrad for quant finance or is stats or applied math better?

2) Does getting a MFE increase my chances to become a quant(preferably quant trader) Or is it not worth the time, money and effort?

3) what are other masters for entering quant finance?

4) Can i switch from quant finance to data science or i banking?
Any background is ok to apply to MFE programs as long as you have the prerequisites in math, programming, finance knowledge. Some undergraduates degrees are more traditionally fit for MFE than others.
Quant is a loose term and there are more ways to get there than one. You can get a role as quant trader, quant developer from MFE. Most research quants roles would need a PhD.
An MFE degree is only worth it as an investment when it has a track record of placing students in relevant, good paying roles. This is where you need to do your research to find good programs. The QuantNet ranking helps but it is only one data point.
Your question about i-banking seems to indicate a divergent path of career choices. You cant go from ibanking to quant as they require different skill set and probably degrees. I would do a more thorough job to find out whether quant is the right path. It is not cheap to get an MFE degree these days.
Start with the master reading list in my signature.
4) Can i switch from quant finance to data science or i banking?
This is kind of like asking if you could switch from being a truck driver to a ballerina. These are very different areas requiring very different skill sets. Investment banking requires a firm knowledge of how cash flows through a company. This is essentially corporate finance and accounting. There are some quants in areas like private equity, but they tend to be industry experts with respect to a particular field.