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Is my profile good enough?

Hi there.
I am a Computer Science student with a Minor in Finance from a Tier I engineering college in India. I want to apply for an MFE and aspire to go the top programs in the USA(CMU, UCB, Princeton, NYU FinMath, Columbia, Baruch).
Below is my profile:
GPA: 3.12/4 (7.8/10)
Average grades in Math courses.
CFA L1 cleared.
Currently interning in the technology division of one of the bulge bracket banks and will mostly join here till my masters.
I'm planning to apply for 2021 fall entry.
Have yet to take the GRE. Will also take the FRM part 1 this November.
Following are my questions:
1. I know that my GPA is weak and the average math grades will be a problem. So how can I compensate for it?
2. Will taking the GRE math subject test add value to my profile?
3. Since I have a year to go for the applications, what else can I do to enhance my profile?

Thanks a lot for your time :D
1. boost your GPA
2. take more math courses, most schools have prerequisites on math
3. need to do well on GRE, a good score on GRE may compensate your GPA
4. GRE sub will be helpful
5. if possible, find a professor and do some research
good luck mate!